Wednesday, 5 December 2012


A man brutally being pulled by anti riot police in Uganda after taking part in a market demonstration. This was when they wanted to change the market leadership and the incumbent instead Hajjat Ssenkumba brought them police but still she was kicked out of this Busega Roundabout market as its Chairperson. The act of police pulling this man left many questions to the locals saying that was this the right way to handle this man? This question is left there for you and at the same time judge after critically viewing this photo 
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Ugandans who always go to Kitagata hot springs for traditional blessings especially those who failed to get kids. The hot springs are in the western part of Uganda which is a East African country on the African continent. The photo tells you all the story  
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Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Thursday, 18 October 2012

 Entertainer Alex Mukulu's troupe left revellers/guests wanting for another rap as they entertained them on the 9/10/2012 as Uganda celebrated 50 years of independence at Kololo ceremonial Grounds (PHOTO BY MICHAEL KAKUMIRIZI)
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Wednesday, 10 October 2012


 The Uganda police officers matching on the 9th/10/2012 at Kololo as Uganda celebrated 50 years of independence at Kololo independence Grounds (PHOTO: MICHAEL KAKUMIRIZI)
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Uganda @ 50

 The sukhois in the skies as Uganda celebrated 50 years of independence at Kololo ceremonial Grounds on 9/10/2012. It should be recalled therefore that Uganda got its independence on the 9/10/1962 (PHOTO: MICHAEL KAKUMIRIZI)
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